Money Answers: Your Financial Questions Solved

This blog post is tailored for everyday Americans, focusing on practical insights rather than delving into complex aspects of political economy, banking, and money.

It deliberately avoids unnecessary abstractions.

Unlike many money-related writers, I remain independent from political economists who often represent private interests in the monetary landscape.

I also acknowledge the vast resources and untapped wealth of the United States.

They highlight the paradox of scarcity amid abundance, suggesting that a planned shortage of money hinders the transfer of wealth, contributing to unnecessary want in a land of plenty.

Advocating The People’s Oversight for Financial Stability

In order for the American people to receive true social justice these monetary principles need to be applied to the American monetary policy:

  • Americans need to support ending the privately owned Federal Reserve, favoring a government-run Central Bank, empowering Congress to regulate money
  • Americans need to advocate reclaiming the coinage and value control from private entities, restoring this authority rightfully to Congress.
  • Americans need to envision a Government-owned Central Bank stabilizing living costs, ensuring equitable dollar repayment for debts.

These principles advocate for the abolition of the privately owned Federal Reserve Banking System, advocating instead for a Government-owned Central Bank.

The aim is to transfer the authority to coin and regulate money back to Congress, ensuring a fair financial system for the American people.

These principles serve as the foundation for working-class finance, aiming to restore social justice by empowering the people through financial control.

Unlock the secrets of America’s economic history with ‘Banking and Currency and The Money Trust‘ by Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., a timeless classic first published in 1913 that serves as a crucial warning about the clandestine control exerted by the private foreign banking cartel, often mislabeled as the ‘Federal’ Reserve System—essential reading for those seeking insights into the roots of financial dynamics

Paving the Path to Social Justice: Understanding Money Matters

This blog underscores that Working Man Finance hasn’t forsaken other principles.

Solving money issues is pivotal for reinstating social justice, initiating a series of books on this matter.

Readers are urged not just to peruse but to grasp these truths thoroughly. Sharing this knowledge with fellow citizens is crucial.

Public media might shy away from these teachings, making this blog valuable for the uninformed.

Delve into the insightful revelations of ‘Money Creators‘ by Gertrude M. Coogan, a thought-provoking book from 1935 that challenges readers to ponder the integrity of their money system.

Coogan’s astute inquiry raises crucial questions about the government’s role in ensuring honest money versus potentially compromising its value, offering timeless advice amidst the challenges of the Great Depression era

Money, Sovereignty, and the Future of The Republic

Recognizing the importance of reclaiming our sovereign rights in coining and regulating currency is crucial for preserving our Republic values.

Allowing a select few private entities to control this function may jeopardize our liberties and way of life.

Continuing reliance on privately created money, manipulated by non-producers, might lead us to trade our Republic essence for mere survival.

Our monetary choices impact our democratic life, the American standard of living, and even the core principles of Christianity.

Reflecting on history, our ancestors utilized government-stamped gold and silver as their circulating currency.

They safeguarded these coins in secure rooms, symbolizing trust. Such historical practices highlight the need for a secure and controlled monetary system.

Unveil the enigma of money with ‘The Role of Money‘ by Frederick Soddy, a compelling exploration of money’s social dynamics.

In a world where the monetary system is in disarray, Soddy challenges the mystery surrounding money’s nature, function, and societal impact.

This book provides a unique perspective by addressing money not from the viewpoint of bankers, the primary creators of money, but from that of the public.

Discover the true role of money and gain insights into how the public, who exchange valuable goods and services for money, is intricately tied to this monetary puzzle.

The Emergence of Strong Room Keepers: Shifting Trends in Currency Exchange

In bustling European hubs, strong room keepers pioneered a novel system.

This system saw a shift where paper receipts became more favored and circulated more than physical gold among depositors seeking ease and convenience in transactions.

This practice gained ground, shaping the way monetary transactions were conducted.

Abusing Trust: The Deceptive Practice by Strong Room Keepers

Intriguingly, while entrusted with securing gold deposits, these keepers took advantage of the trust placed in them.

They began issuing receipts exceeding the actual gold holdings in their vaults.

This deliberate over-issuance marked the inception of a deceiving practice that manipulated the faith and belief of depositors, leading to an imbalance between perceived and actual wealth.

Legalizing Deception: The Notorious Act of the Bank of England

The turn of the 17th century witnessed a significant milestone in the history of deceitful financial practices.

The British House of Parliament passed an act, granting the Bank of England the privilege of legal counterfeiting.

This controversial law elevated the deceitful practices, sanctioning the manipulation of trust and the issuance of inflated currency as legitimate.

Delve into the historical roots of social distress with ‘The Bank of England’s Charters: The Cause of Our Social Distress‘ by Thomas W. Huskinson.

This thought-provoking exploration traces the history of the Bank of England’s charters, arguing that they have played a significant role in contributing to societal problems in England.

Drawing from a diverse array of historical sources, Huskinson unveils the various changes made to the Bank’s charters over time and elucidates their adverse effects on society.

Considered culturally important, this work is in the public domain in the United States and possibly other nations, allowing readers to freely access and distribute its insights.

Scholars and readers alike value the preservation of this work, recognizing its importance in maintaining and sharing our collective knowledge.

Modern Deceit in Finance: Evolution of Trust Manipulation

From the annals of history to contemporary times, the manipulation of trust within financial systems has undergone a metamorphosis.

The evolution from historical practices to modern-day financial deception demonstrates the persistent exploitation of trust, albeit in more sophisticated and intricate forms, within the financial realm.

The Paradox of Plenty: Abundance Amidst Want

In an era ripe with potential for prosperity, America’s wealth in fertile lands, vast forests, and abundant mines stands unparalleled.

Despite this abundance, scarcity persists, raising questions about the root cause.

A Pernicious Money System: Choking the Law of Supply and Demand

The prevailing scarcity owes itself to a detrimental money system impeding the natural balance of supply and demand.

Despite hunger and need, surplus resources go to waste due to a lack of purchasing power.

The Cry for Understanding: The Need for Monetary Enlightenment

Recognizing the urgent need for comprehension, Working Man Finance for Social Justice emphasizes the critical importance of grasping the concept of money.

Liberating the populace from economic bondage is contingent upon this understanding.

Liberating Minds, Uniting Voices: Striving for Financial Freedom

Dedicated to enlightening minds across a diverse spectrum, this blog post aims to unite people irrespective of creed or political inclination.

Its purpose is not just to impart knowledge but to ignite a collective fight for financial liberation.

This introduction unravels the paradox of scarcity in the midst of abundance, exposing the pernicious impact of the prevailing monetary system.

It underscores the urgent need for understanding and unity in the pursuit of financial freedom.

Exploring Constitutional Connections: Money’s Role in Governance

This introduction has peeled back the layers of abundance marred by scarcity, highlighting the pressing need to comprehend our monetary system.

To delve deeper into the intersection of the Constitution and money, addressing critical questions, check out our upcoming blog post on Constitution and money.

Join us in unraveling the intricate ties between governance and finance for a clearer understanding of our financial landscape.

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